Hello, here Tosko. Need some help [erledigt]

Alle Fragen rund um Österreichs zentrales Motorrad-Wintertreffen

Hello, here Tosko. Need some help [erledigt]

Beitragvon tosko » Do 01 Feb, 2018 19:45

Hallo an alle, ich bin Tosko, ich brauche Hilfe. Ich konnte die Straße von Trieben nach Hohentaüern nicht hochklettern, weil die Ketten versagt haben. Ich brauche eine wohltätige Seele, um mich von Hohentauern zum Campingplatz zu bringen. Ich habe drei Pakete zum Campen. Mein Motorrad kann nicht ohne die Ketten steigen, die Martin Merle hat. Ich werde die Nacht im Hotel Passhohe verbringen, und ich brauche jemanden, der mich morgens abholt, damit ich bei allen sein kann. Entschuldigung für die Übersetzung von Deutsch.
Wielen Danke
P.D. All is Ok. I get the help from Justus... Thx, Justus!
Zuletzt geändert von tosko am Fr 02 Feb, 2018 13:02, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
Ganz neu
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Registriert: Di 25 Feb, 2014 02:02

Re: Hello, here Tosko. Need some help

Beitragvon lallemang » Do 01 Feb, 2018 20:30

Hi Tosko,

i've send a sms to motorang.

Greetings from relay station St.Paul :D
Wherever You Go There You Are :gruebel:
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Re: Hello, here Tosko. Need some help

Beitragvon ETZChris » Di 06 Feb, 2018 11:41

Hi Tosko,

hope, you had a good ride.
Next time you should choose a better place for parking ;)
We took your bike a little lower next to my sidecar on a saver place.


"Das Netz ist die Welt der Misslaunigen, der Voyeure, der Psychopathen, der Verantwortungslosen, der Undisziplinierten." (Jakob Augstein)
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Re: Hello, here Tosko. Need some help

Beitragvon motorang » Di 06 Feb, 2018 13:43

There are some basics to fulfill for a "next time".

1) Answer to our e-mail request or mail or whatsapp or sms to get an invitation. All that was possible once you were here and in trouble.
You did not answer to our request in October, and you did not write us (you are even in the forum here ...)

2) Get an invitation, as everybody else does !!!!!!!!!!
You did not.

3) Check that you are on the invitation list. We were full, I even turned some people away who wanted to camp, just because of that.
You were not on the list and you were not invited therefore.

4) Try to get up to the Edelraute as everybody elese: well prepared and on your own. This was not your first time at a winter rally.

5) If you request a taxi ride, be there to be picked up as said (this was "Trieben petrol station" and not "Hohentauern")

6) If you request a 30 km taxi ride and only get charged for the fuel (10 Euro as it was the Edelraute car), PAY and say THANK YOU instead of insisting on some special guest status. You are as much a "special guest" as everybody else. And we are no caretakers or babysitters.

7) Be friendly to Edelraute personnel.

:arrow: No TT 2019 for Tosko.

:arrow: You may apply for the TT 2020, and I want a picture of your snow chains this time.

And remember: no more taxi and borrowed chain stuff. Come prepared OR STAY AT HOME, Nico.
As we all do.

not amused by all the hassle you caused.
Gerade als die Raupe dachte, die Welt würde untergehen, verwandelte sie sich in einen Schmetterling.
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